BEE Mining - KYC Verification
BEE KYC Verification BEE verification process has begun and the estimated review time is about 14 working days. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to go about your verification. To accelerate the process, consider using the link below. EventId=49905848 *check-in on the Event Center can unlock your KYC premier status. 1: Click on the link above and perform the task. 2: Open your BEE app and click on "Profile". 3: Click on "KYC Verification". 4: Click on "Authentication". 5: Click on "Continue". 6: Type in your country name. 7: Select your country and click on OK. 8: Select any means of verification. 9: File in the required details. 10: Complete your facial verification. 11: Click on "Got it". 12: Check to see if it's in progress and that's all. Now you wait until you're verified. Want to know how to mine BEE , register using the first link below. Trust me you're not going...